Bishop Koinets letter from Kenya

Following the GO Trip to Kenya in March this year, attended by Ivan Johnson and Martin Lowdon from the UK, which coincided with Iain Mair’s visit to churches in Maasailand, 1,100 Bibles were provided to communities of Maasai believers that had no Bibles.  The following letter was recently received from Bishop Koinet in Kenya.



Praise the Lord!

Please allow me to extend our heartfelt thanks for your generous donation of Bibles. Your support has been a beacon of hope and salvation, that continues to greatly enhance our Gospel outreach among the Maasai communities. Many lives have been touched and transformed, and we are excited to continue our work in sharing the Word of God with those who need it most. The training from ShareWord Global has empowered our evangelists, making our missions more effective, and our joint school visits have had a significant impact. We deeply appreciate your unwavering support in spreading God’s Word and feel incredibly blessed to have GOOD NEWS for Everyone! and ShareWord Global by our side.

We look forward to a lasting partnership with GOOD NEWS for Everyone! and ShareWord Global, as your dedication to marginalised communities aligns perfectly with our mission. With your help, we aim to expand our reach and positively affect more lives in Maasailand. Once again, your kindness and generosity have made a real difference in our ministry, and we are grateful for your partnership. May God continue to bless your efforts abundantly as you continue to be a blessing to others. Please convey our congregation’s regards to your Churches.

In Christ’s love,

Bishop Daniel Koinet
Word Provision Church, Kenya